Burn – Tuesday 5/28

Spend 4 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
20t walking lunges
15 KB deadlifts
10 hollow rocks
5 inchworms w/down dog push-up

Spend a few minutes on the posterior chain

A1. SL DB RDL’s – 4x6e; heavy but with perfect form
A2. Weighted sit-ups – 4×20
So a little post Murph fitness. Some RDL’s. Last time we did these we used one DB. Today, we are going to use 2. Nothing changes, however with the balanced load, you might have an easier time. Please try to prioritize the importance of stimulus here and how weight and ROM will differ significantly per the individual. Work on keeping the back straight and pulling the torso up using the posterior chain instead of bending forward and leaning back to neutral.

“Apple Sauce”
:90 ME shuttle runs (10m)
:60 ME on AB
:40 ME SA DB push jerks
:30 ME up/down plate jumps
Rest :90, complete 4 rounds
Each station is done for max effort for reps, but will definitely not be at a 100% max effort pace. Each round takes 3:40 to complete with only :90 off. Not enough work to rest ratio to come out that hot. Find a pace that will earn some reps/calories without wiping you out for the rest of the workout. After getting off the bike, pushing the reps will be a must.

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