Port @your Place – Saturday 4/25

Quini during The Open. Using dumbbells. Something that wasn’t present in CrossFit 6 years ago. Now, look at us. Last night I tucked my 50# in bed before saying goodnight to the dogs. I think they are getting jealous.

Before completing today’s WOD, it might help to map out 100 meters for the Farmer’s carry. 50 meters out and 50 meters back might make the most sense and then run the 200 meters as a shuttle run.

Push Play Playlist for Saturday

Full body flow; 3 to 5 reps
2 lunges each side + 2 air squats + 2 good mornings +
2 inchworms w/2 push-ups each + :10 down dog +
1 spiderman each side with 3 rotations + :10 superman hold +
:10 hollow hold

“Memory Lane”
5 rounds
100m SA farmers carry
200m run
30 DB swings

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