WOD – Friday 2/1

February 1st, only 48 more days until the first day of spring. We got this.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 5 min AMRAP with a DB
10 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang cleans (each arm)
10 DB strict press/push press/push jerks
10 DB goblet squats

Shoulder mobility to prep fr strength

A1. Push press – 6×3; building to a 3RM
A2. Strict chin-ups – 6×3; make them hard
We have done this many times before. Look at Wodify and make this training session count. Work towards a weight based on what you have done in the past. Try to hit within 90% of your 1RM.

Cals row
S2OH (65%)
So take 65% of your heaviest S2OH minus the split jerk. So probably your push jerk. That will be the Rx weight for the day, which for any of us is going to be really heavy, however, they should be unbroken. So be smart with rest before picking up the bar.
*all the barbells with start on the ground

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