WOD – Monday 5/9

2 things,
1. Remember to vote for CFP as the best CrossFit gym in the seacoast, follow the link below and vote. You can vote once a day!
2. Memorial Day Murph is coming up, please RSVP on the Facebook event so we have an idea of how many of you animals are coming. Murph can be split up how ever you want and can even be done with a partner, so everyone has a reason to come work out and stay for the bbq.

2 to 4 minutes in Z1
10 straight leg KB deadlifts
10 goblet squats
10 KBS
10 push-ups w/up dog + down dog

Front squat mobility – hips, quads, t-spine

Front Squat – 3RM with a :05 pause + 2×3@90%
*This should be close to your 5RM w/:03 pause, and more than your 5RM w/:05 pause.

CrossFit Portsmouth Benchmark #1
12 min AMRAP
50 cals on the rower
40 wall balls (20/14#)
30 T2B
20 cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 muscle ups
*compare to 8/13
**If you can’t do muscle ups, you cannot finish the WOD. Substitutions can be made, but you can only “finish” if you can get through them. This is not meant to discourage you in any way, it is a benchmark workout so the goal is to get better every time we do it. (scale is 2 C2B + 2 dips per muscle up)

Cool Down
800m cool down run

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