WOD – Monday 9/21

Spend 2 minutes on a rower, increasing in intensity
Then, 3 rounds
10t bird dogs
10 banded glute bridges
10 banded squats w/tempo 3111

A1. Front squat – 2/3×5
This means 2 sets should be used to build as close to a max effort weight as possible, then 3 across at that number.
A2. Banded ab rotations – 5×10

A1. Front rack reverse lunges (KB or DB’s) – 5x8e; slow and controlled
A2. Banded ab rotations – 5×10

All tracks
400m row
Then, 2 rounds
6 man makers (40/25#)
8 T2B
32 DU’s
Rest 1:00, repeat x3
*Burners can sub laying DB toe touches

Fathom – moderate length workout today
Gear – be ready to shift gears and change lanes
Knots – during the working portion of today’s workout settle into a sustainable pace. The man makers, T2B and DU’s will try to spike your heart rate. Make sure that doesn’t happen. Take an approach that allows you to keep moving. Do not take the road in which you sprint and rest, sprint and rest.
Current – most of the work is done in a box, except for those pesky T2B, they must be done, on a bar, with your toes

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