Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
5 deadlifts
5 muscle cleans
5 front squats
5 push press
5 back squats
5 good mornings
5 bent over rows
The port squat mobility series
Every 2 minutes, complete a superset
A1. Back squats for speed – 5×4@65 to 70%
A2. Bounding course – 5 total jumps, x5 through
You guys have done awesome with these speed days. Remember, bar speed is the priority. Do not simply overload the bar.
Death by air squat.
But after every set of air squats, you must complete a 25m run.
Min 1 – 1 air squat + 25m run
Min 2 – 2 air squats + 25m run
Min 3 – 3 air squats + 25m run
Pretty straightforward. How long can you last?