WOD – Saturday 6/6

400m jog
2 rounds
10 step-ups
10 push-ups to down dog + 2 shoulder taps

Reintroduce yourself to the HSPU and it’s valuable progressions
Please make sure you go through the handstand push-up progressions so you can pick the best option for you.
HSPU scaling options;
1. Regular push-ups
2. Push-ups with feet on box
3. Piked push-up with feet on box
4. HSPU with 1 abmat (add 1 10# plate)
5. Rx HSPU

18 min AMRAP
800m run
400m row
30 box step-ups
15 HSPU’s
3-5 wall walks
Since your success in longer workouts depends on your ability to find and sustain a slightly slower pace, finding progressions and rep ranges for each movement is critical. If you do no scale enough and have to take too much time off in between movements, you will find yourself slowing down and speeding up to many times and find controlling your heart rate and breathing because it will be impossible. Scaling is not just important to keeping you safe and healthy it allows you to keep moving within your WOD’s. It helps you find a rhythm in your movement and breath. So find a HSPU progression that works for you and think about how many wall walks is smart to maintain each round.

18 min AMRAP
800m run
400m row
30 box step-ups
20 push-ups
10 wall planks or 10 walk-outs

Buy out
8 rounds of each, but alternating movements.
Tuck hold
Plank hold

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