WOD – Saturday 7/25

Buy in – 1:00 of jumping rope
Then, 2 rounds
20 sit-ups
20t reverse lunges
20t side bends

All tracks
5 rounds
:45 of work/:15 of rest
1. kneeling to squat
2. plank hold
3. DU’s
4. Russian twist
Fathom – 20 minutes on the clock, 3 minutes of work every round. 5 rounds total. Meaning 15 minutes of working time.
Gear – Just like most EMOM’s (and in life; life lesson here) finding a balance between work and rest is the priority. However, since this EMOM doesn’t give you a specific amount of work to be done, but rather a time frame in which to work, finding a pace that will allow for enough recovery that you can sustain should be your approach.
Knots – all movements today are something you can do for :45 except for DU’s if they aren’t your thing. Ask a coach for a substitution so you can get that heart rate up during minute 3.
Current – squares status

Accessory Work
60 DB bench press
Use a challenging weight, every time you break, complete 10 plate raises

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