WOD – Sunday 6/24

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 kip swings
15 OHS w/PVC
:20 HS hold

Keg drill

OHS – 15 minutes to work on form and build to a heavy triple
An opportunity to work on form for the inexperienced and build in some volume for those comfortable with the barbell over their heads.

1 round AFAP
50 C2B (scale to normal pull-ups)
75 cals rower
100 OHS (75/55#)(65/45#)
Oh boy. 1 round, AFAP. Sweet baby Jesus.
There are going to be many ways to approach this workout. Which one is best for you? How are you ever going to get through all of these reps? What’s the strategy?

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