WOD – Thursday 1/17

AB sprint warm-up, 5 rounds
:20 work
:20 lunges
:20 rest

Skill-based warm-up
The ring muscle-up. Grab a buddy and a set of rinds. Work through 3 to 5 sets each of the following.
1. False grip
2. False grip ring rows
3. Ring support
4. Ring support to dip negative (toes on the ground)
5. Ring support to dip negative to “to the rings position”
6. Ring support to dip negative to “to the rings position” to “below the rings position”
7. “below the rings” “to the rings” “through the rings” “above the rings”

“On the Reg”
With a partner; AFAP
25 power cleans (165/115#)(135/95#)
50 T2B
25 muscle-ups
100/80 cals row
25 front squats
150 wall balls (20/14#)
How are you going to approach this with your buddy? If you can’t do muscle-ups what does your version look like?

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