WOD – Thursday 12/29

PortWeights is coming to an end. The Port specialty courses will then take a week off and return with PortPower. An all out lifting session. We will work on the 3 major power lifts and include accessory lifts as well. If you’d like to sign up there are a limited number of spots left.


A cool new spin on meathead city, these 6 weeks will be devoted to increase you CrossFit tank top total. We will not only back squat, deadlift and bench press, but we will add in all necessary accessory exercises to increase your maxes safely. I mean who doesn’t love a good chest session with some reverse flys? This session will follow a well-proven strength cycle and is guaranteed to help with that punny bench press.

5 min AMRAP
50′ shuttle run
10 K2E
10 Russian KBS

Quick group mobility

Core work
A1. Weighted sit-ups – 3×15
A2. Russian twists – 3×20
A3. Weight plank hold – 1:00

25 min AMRAP w/a partner
30 cals AB
20 hang power cleans (155/105#)(135/95#)
10 burpees
Everything about this workout should be a little slower and a little more deliberate than Wednesdays WOD. The bike is going to take some time, as should the hang cleans and obviously the burpees. Make sure the weights are a little bit heavier than the clean and jerks from Wednesday.

Accessory Work
50 tricep push downs
50 back extensions
50 banded leg curls

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