WOD – Thursday 5/31

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
15 banded pull-aparts

Light band work and rotational drills to prep for WOD

A. Bench press – 7×3@ 75-85% of 1RM from 5/9
B. Banded BB bent over row – 3×20; empty or very light BB.
Simple. The bench should be pretty challenging for all reps and sets.
The bent over row should be set up similar to the banded deadlift. Drape the band over the barbell and stand on both pieces. Stand all the way up before engaging the posterior chain while bringing the bar down to the hang position. Pulling the bar all the way to the belly button with the resistance being the highest at the top.

“Major Contributions”
2 rounds
800m row
40 RKBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
20 C2B
10 burpees over the rower
20 min time cap
Pretty straightforward here. People afraid to jump over the rower can burpee to a plate. Slower pace but a sustained effort. Swings will set you up for grip and lat failure in the C2B. So be sure about when you take a break and when you push. Heart rate won’t play a huge role, so stay in tune with your muscle and make sure you don’t push to failure.

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