WOD – Thursday 6/29

Remember that this weekend we will have normal classes, however, Monday and Tuesday we will be closed to celebrate the greatest holiday, Merica Day. Hope to be invited to each and every one of your July 4th BBq’s, because I will come to them all decked out in my American Flag gear.

We open for normal hours on Wednesday at 9am. (No 5/6 or 7am classes)

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, dynamic warm-up and joint mobility as a class.

16 min EMOM
Evens – 3 to 5 strict pull-ups
Odds – 3 to 5 strict ring dips
It is really important to scale these to the hardest possible progression that you can complete with full range of motion. Do not except shortened reps because that is not how we get better. Hold yourself accountable and use this as an opportunity to invest in the basics.
*American Ninja Warriors can add weight

“Triple Play”
Partner WOD
DB snatches (50/35#)
Burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Cals row
10 T2B each after every round
Open WOD + open WOD + a partner = fun things. We are going to go open standards for both of the movements at the top of the list. Meaning coaches will explain the rules.

Cool Down
5 min on an AB in Z1
2 min w/a lax ball on the shoulders

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