WOD – Thursday 7/11

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, rounds
10e SL RDL’s
:30 DB goblet squat hold
30 DU’s

Posterior chain prep, coaches choice

Deadlift – 12 minutes to find a heavy single
Just like Monday with the squat, understanding that building towards you 1RM shouldn’t take you 20 minutes. Remember that using Wodify to create a solid plan will help you get to the heavier weights well primed to move them. If you build too quickly you won’t be warmed up enough, and if you build too slowly, you will be way too tired to find a true max. Be smart and take the time to plan.

“Asphalt Warrior”
1 mile run
40 deadlifts (275/185#)(225/155#)
100 T2B
40 deadlifts
1 mile run
*runs must be done as 400’s, all other work can be split however
This one will be a blast because your approach and strategy will play a huge role in your overall time. Being smart and using each other’s strengths to move through these movements efficiently will come down to how you are breaking up your reps. Be smart with the weight on the bar and think about a weight that you can do in sets of 5. Anything less and it’s just too heavy. Any more and you probably have gone a bit too light.

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