WOD – Tuesday 12/26

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas. Welcome back. Come on in today for a 9am, noon or 4:15pm Group Class. We are back to normal classes Wednesday.

Sign in to Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1.
Then, PVC mobility with shoulder mobility as the priority.
Hip and ankle mobility
CFP snatch warm-up

A. Power Snatch – build to as 3RM
B. OHS – build to a 3RM
Double strength day today, however one can build upon the other. Take the time with these movements and remember that weight isn’t the priority. You can be productive and get better without over loading the bar. You can spend almost 15 minutes in each piece here if you develop a plan and have a goal.

Wall balls (20/14#)
Over the bar burpees
OHS (115/75#)(95/65#)
This one should be fast, so weight should be planned out accordingly. Make sure the barbell is light and the OHS can be done in 2 to 3 sets. Obviously front squats or goblet squats can be subbed for those who cannot find the intensity in the movement. There is going to be a 15 minute time cap, meaning you need to move.

Accessory Work
Banded ab pull-downs – accumulate 100t
Banded face pulls – accumulate 80

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