WOD – Tuesday 7/10

So today is the second day of our first week of this months challenge.
Week 1 WOD – Monday 7/9 to Sunday 7/15 – Max burpees in :90
You have :90 to complete as many burpees as you can. You can try this as many times as you want and you have until Sunday 7/15 to submit your score. Put on a loud song, start a clock and go get this one.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 strict pull-ups
10 push-ups
20t walking lunges

Couch stretch
Ankle prep

A. Front rack lunges – find a 10RM then complete 1×10@90%
B. Warm up the deadlift
With A, lunges could be forward, reverse or even walking; up to you. Find a 10RM meaning 10 lunges total. Once you do, there is a drop set.

Single leg/arm work plays a huge role in our weekly programming because of how much it fits in The Ports methodology. How truly functional it is, but also how it transfers to your everyday lives. Almost everything we do outside the gym is single leg; running, hiking, and climbing stairs or ladders. This kind of training a ton more core engagement but also allows you to recover much faster than let’s say heavy back squats.

We will always squat and deadlift, but building unilateral strength is just as maybe even more important.

12 min AMRAP
20 wall balls
10 deadlifts (225/155#)(185/125#)
Pretty fast workout here. Going to look to go unbroken for most sets of the deadlift, however, that might require you to take a few more seconds of rest before you get back on the bar. Think about risk vs reward here. Would a couple more big breaths allow you to stay on the bar longer? Would it prove to be too detrimental later in the workout?

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