WOD – Wednesday 1/31

How’d yesterday go? Do you need to work on a few skills before the Open begins? Have you discussed your goals with your coaches? Take 30 minutes and spend some time, we are really good at helping.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
15 Russian KBS
10 down dog push-ups
5 burpees
:20 HS hold

Quick shoulder stretch

The HSPU – review perfect form and performance cues. Accumulate 50t AFAP.
Again, our focal point is going to be proper set-up and execution. The HSPU’s are just not connecting for most. Let’s go over the basic performance cues during the warm-up. One of my favorite things to do with new people is to show them the dow dog push-up. Starting almost in a headstand and pushing to full extension of the arms while pushing the head through demonstrates the proper tracking during a HSPU.

Experienced athletes should try to accumulate 50 HSPU’s, but setting a time frame such as 6 minutes will help everyone create goals. Those who are still working on either the prerequisite strength or form of a HSPU could set up an EMOM for some structure. Those who cannot Rx the movement should set up the hardest progression and accumulate some reps. Never more than 50 and no longer than 6 minutes.

“Halftime Show”
2 rounds
60/45 cals row
40 Russian KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
20 burpee box jumps overs (24/20”)
Rest 2:00
Long and sweaty. New burpee standards for the BBJO’s. Learn to love them. Should be fun.

Accessory Work
Banded tricep push-downs – accumulate 100
Banded face pulls – accumulate 100

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