WOD – Wednesday 2/13

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 squats
10 steps left/right w/monster band

The Port squat mobility

Back squat – 7×1
*all reps should be done across and AHAP meaning you need to rest at least 2 min between each rep.
We are going to build up to between 90 and 100% and try to hold that for all 7 reps. The only way this is going to be possible is if you take enough rest between each rep.

“Freedom Fighter”
14 min AMRAP
50m KB farmers carry
25 wall balls (20/14#)
20/15 cals row
This is a workout that you can really push the pace of. Not much skill work here, just hard work. Put your head down and go for broke on each of these movements. Going unbroken on the farmers carry and the wall balls isn’t a terrible idea because one won’t affect the other.

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