WOD – Wednesday 6/17

Spend 2 min on AB
3 rounds
:30 side plank
20 reverse lunges
10e adductor rock backs

Front squat – 4×5; all reps done with a :03 pause in the hole
A true :03 hold will really prevent you from overloading the barbell so stick to it. Try to work on a good rack position and proper elbow positon through the entire lift.
4 rounds
12t DB step-ups
10 goblet squats
No rest between movements, 2:00 rest between rounds

4 or 5 rounds
12/10 cals AB
12 hanging leg raises
12 wall balls
If you go all out here this one will catch up with you. slow your pace in the beginning so you have enough left in the tank to push later in the workout. The hanging leg raises are not T2B but rather straight leg raises. So bring your feet up as high as you can while keeping your legs as straight as possible.
4 or 5 rounds
200m run
12 lying DB toe touches
12 goblet thrusters

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