WOD – Wednesday 8/26

600m run
20 glute bridges
20 plank-ups
20 arm circles forward
20 arm circles backwards
20 step-ups
:30 BB OH hold

A1. Seated BB strict press – 4×8
A2. Banded upright row – 4×15

A1. Seated DB strict press – 4x8e
A2. DB upright row – 4x8e

3 rounds
400m run
9 power cleans
12 T2B
*all power cleans should be in fast singles, with a max weight of 185/125#
**15 min time cap today**

3 rounds
400m run
14t DB hang power cleans
12 laying toe touches to DB

Fathom – moderate length workout
Gear – third gear and middle lane
Knots – because the power cleans are going to be really heavy today, it is going to slow your pace and allow you to control your breathing. So push the runs and hold big sets on the T2B. The weight on the bar should force you to quick singles. Because you aren’t going TnG, you won’t be under tension for nearly as long. Very different approach and will produce a much more efficient pace.
Current – be conscientious of keeping a safe distance during this one.

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