WOD – Saturday 3/9

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds for quality
10 strict press
10 ring rows or pull-ups
10 back squats

Set up a bar and complete sink and standing child’s pose

Strict press – 3×3, 3×2, 3×1; building the entire time
Same rep scheme as the squat cleans last Monday. You guys did a fantastic job creating a plan and working through each set. Today is no different. Just because it is a press doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve the same attention to strategy and execution. As the reps decrease, the weight should increase, meaning you will need to take a little more time between reps.

25 min running clock
80/60 cal row
60 DB snatches (50/35#)(40/25#)
40 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
20 C2B
*max calories on AB with time remaining
Just an absolute grinder on a Saturday. Come in ready to work hard and get back on that bike. Score is going to be how many calories you earn when you get there. That means if you are concerned about finishing the prescribed work, then cut down some of the reps and decrease the overall difficulty of the movement. Let’s try to get at least 3:00 on the bike.

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