Burn – Monday 3/9

Today is another day in which we have an opportunity to use our position as fitness-minded individuals to help others. Today at the 4:15 we will play a little knockout tournament. $1 to enter, winner gets a prize, and all money raised goes to help feed the hungry people of Africa. Come show up a bit before 4 to get warmed up and stretched out. We will go over rules and send a huge line at 4.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of evolving movements
15 air squats/back squats
3 inchworms

The Port squat mobility session

Burn Strength
A1. Weighted lateral step-ups – 4x8e
A2. Single leg, Romanian deadlifts – 4x6e

Burn WOD
10 min AMRAP
200m run
10 Russian KBS
10 goblet squats

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