Friday- 1/21


New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
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The Port


Couch Stretch
Spiderman Rotations
Wall Calf Stretch

20 – 15 – 10 Pulls on the Rower
10 Wall-Balls

CrossFit Games Open 16.4 and 17.4

13-Minute AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
55 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-ups

CrossFit Games Open 16.4 and 17.4 Scaled

13-Minute AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts, 135# / 95#
55 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 10#
55 Calorie Row
55 Hand-Release Push-ups

Post-Workout Strength

Push Press (5.3.1 X 2)
Post-Workout today. An element of fitness is being able to lift heavy under fatigue and isn’t unlikely in the Open for a lift to come after a Metcon. Go for it in todays Open Re-Test and then give the same effort to this Strength session.

Burn Strength

4 Sets:
4 Seated DB Strict Press

Right into…

8 Standing DB Push Press

Rest as needed between sets.
Choose a weight that will provide a challenge!


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