Friday – 2/4


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New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
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The Port


Foam Roll Lats, Traps, Quads, Hips

3 Rounds:
1:00 Any Machine
20t Lunges
8 Ring Rows

Additional OH Mobility Prep


Spend 10 Minutes on –
Kipping Pull-Ups and Kipping C2B
Butterfly Pull-Ups and Butterfly C2B

Burn Strength

A1: Banded Lat Pull-Down (4 X 15)
A2: Banded tricep push-downs (4 X 15)
Set up a band that allows for full range of motion, but still provides a challenge.

CrossFit Games Open 16.1

20 Minute AMRAP
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge 95#/65#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Ft OH Walking Lunge
8 C2B Pull-Ups

*Jump over the bar after each burpee
*Mark out lines in 5ft increments for the lunges, every 5ft is 1 rep

CrossFit Games Open 16.1 Scaled

20-Minute AMRAP of:
25 Ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 45#/35#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge, 45#/35#
8 Jumping Pull-ups

*Jump over the bar after each burpee
*Mark out lines in 5ft increments for the lunges, every 5ft is 1 rep


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