Monday – 02/15

The Port


10/8 Cal Row
8 Squat Jumps
8e Half-Kneeling DB Strict Press

+ Banded Front Rack Stretch
+ Banded Shoulder
+ Wrist Mobility


Push Press (8 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 2 )
Building each set.

Burn Strength

4 Sets:
8e DB Curl to Press
:30 Double DB OH Hold
8 Box Jumps

Rest 1:00 between rounds


EMOM X 16:
Min 1: 16t DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)(40/25)*
Min 2: 14 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Min 3: 12 DB Bench Press (50/35)(40/25)
Min 4: 16/14 Cal Row

*Switch hands after every 4 reps.
Modify reps to get at least :10-:15 rest each round.

Matt P.

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