Monday – 1/10

The Port


Banded Shoulder Openers and Warm-Up

8 Cal Bike
4 Burpee “Tall Jumps”
12 Russian KBS

+ Barbell Cycling Warm-Up while Burn gets ready and right into their strength EMOM.


Clean and Jerk (EMOM X 5: 5 TnG Reps (Across))
If last week went well, you’re looking to increase in weight this week. If things felt a little heavy and weren’t super smooth last week, stay there or go down and perfect your technique first!

Burn Strength

EMOM X 12:
Evens: 12 Russian KBS
Odds: 16 Plank Up-Downs
Score is KB weight.


For Time:
21 Cal Bike
21 T2B
21 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)(75/55)

Rest 1:30

15 Cal Bike
15 T2B
15 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)(95/65)

Rest 1:00

9 Cal Bike
9 T2B
9 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)(105/75)

Burn WOD

15/12 Cal Bike
15 DB Push Press
15 Sit-Ups

:30 Rest

Troy F.

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