Oly Class

The Port – PortLift


Warm-up (No Measure)


1min Bike

1min Monster Walks

1min Squat Holds + Rotations

1min Push Up to Down Dog

1min Banded Pull Aparts

1) 10each 90/90 Stretch + 10 each Spiderman Lunge

2) Partner Thoracic Stretch 2x10sec each

Barbell Warm Up

5 Sn. Grip Deadlifts

3 each Position Sn. High Pulls

5 Muscle Snatch

5 BTN Presses/ Sotts Presses

A: Snatch Balance (3×3, Primer for snatch)

B: Block Clean from Below the Knee (5×1, Building)

C: Snatch Pull (w/ 3 sec TEMPO on the way down 3×3, Building)

D: Block Clean from Below the Knee (5×1, Building)

E: Clean Pull (w/ 3 sec TEMPO on the way down 3×3, Building)

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