Sunday – 2/28

The Port


24.16.12 Cal Row

In between each row:
R1- 10 Air Squats + 10 Spiderman Rotations
R2- 10 Samson Lunges + 10 Iron crosses
R3- 10 Close Stance Squats +
1:00e Couch Stretch
1:00e Pigeon


A1. KB Front Rack Hold (3 X 1:00)
A2. Russian Twists (3 X 20t)


For Time:
40 DB Front Squats
24 Sit-Ups
20/16 Cal Row
40 Reverse Lunges in Suitcase Hold
24 Sit-Ups
20/16 Cal Row
40 Heel Elevated Squats (no weight)
24 Sit-Ups
20/16 Cal Row


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