Sunday – 9/26

The Port


On a 7:00 Clock:
400m Run

AMRAP in Time Remaining of
:10 Bar Dead Hang
5 Scap Pull-Ups
:10 Bar Active Hang
10 Tuck-Ups
10 Push-Ups

+ Lax Ball Psoas Release


2 Sets for Quality:
3-5 Strict Knee Raise
3-5 Strict Toes to Bar
3-5 Kipping Knee Raise
3-5 Kipping Toes to Bar

*UB if you can but, you may jump down between movements. Rest as needed between sets.


EMOM 18:
Min 1 – :45 Max DB Renegade Rows (50/35)(35/20)
Min 2 – :45 Max T2B
Min 3 – 100m Weighted Run*

*Carry 1 DB however you’d like for the run.

Optional Finisher

400m Farmer’s Carry

Alexka and Troy

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