Thursday – 7/8


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The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

10 Glute Bridges

10 90/90 Rotations

10 Butterfly Glute Bridges

10 Lying Rotations

10e Single-Leg Glute Bridges

1:00 Pigeon Each Side

+ 2 Rounds:

1:00 Bike

5e Unweighted Single-Leg RDL

10 Kip Swings


Single-leg RDL (4 X 8e; Barbell Today)

10m Monster Band Walk Each Direction in between each set.

Slow things down today, focus on good movement. Add weight if you’d like but perfect movement is top priority and make sure to rest between sets.


Metcon (Time)

For Time W/ A Partner:

20 Deadlifts (275/185)(185/135)

40/30 Cal Bike

20 Deadlifts

60 Pull-Ups

60/48 Cal Bike

20 Deadlifts

90/72 Cal Bike

60 Pull-Ups


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