Thursday- 5/13

The Port


2:00 in Z1 (Jump rope, run, bike)

+ 2-3 Rounds:
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Banded High Pulls
10 Banded Raise + Pull-Aparts


1CP + 1 MC + 1 HPC (EMOM X 9; Building or Across)
1 Clean Pull +
1 Muscle Clean +
1 Hang Power Clean

Burn Strength

4 Sets:
10 DB RDL’s
10t Jumping Lunges
10 Feet-Anchored Weighted Sit-ups

No rest between movements, rest :90 between rounds.


10 Rounds for Time:
5 Hang Power Cleans (165/115)
50 Double Unders

*While one partner works, the other partner accumulates calories on the assault bike.

Score is time it takes to complete all 10 rounds, minus 1 second per calorie accumulated on the bike.

Burn WOD

15 Russian KBS
15 Russian Twists
1:00 Bike, Row, or Run

Rest :30 Between Rounds.

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