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New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
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The Port
Relay-Style Warm-Up w/ Partner:
3 Rounds Each:
4 Shuttle Runs
2 Burpees
(Then Tag and Switch)
Mobility/Accessory Below
Pre-WOD Warm-Up (3 Rounds, Adding Weight)
5 Hang Muscle Snatch + 5 Power Snatch
5 Burpee Touches
– Tall-Kneeling Wall-Supported Hip CARs
– Adductor Rocks
Accessory work
A1. 3 X 10e Single-Leg Hip Thrust
A2. 3 X 8e Windmill (Bodyweight or DB for those who can demonstrate movement proficiency unloaded)
B. 3 X 20t Leg Lift Overs
With a Partner:
20 Power Snatch (135/95)(115/75)
40 Burpee Touches
60/50 Cal Bike
10 Power Snatch
20 Burpee Touches
40/32 Cal Bike
4 Power Snatches
10 Burpee Touches
20/16 Cal Bike