Tuesday – 3/9

The Port

Open WOD 21.1 will be announced Thursday night! Are you signed up for our in-house Battle of the Generations competition yet? Here are all the details!


2:00 Foam Roll Lower Body +
1:00 Wrist and Elbow Mobility

+ 2 Rounds:
10 Bootstrap Squats
10 Samson Lunge w/ Twist
10 Down Dog Toe Touches

+ 1 Round w/ an empty barbell or PVC:
10 Tall Jumps
8 High Hang Muscle Cleans
8e Elbow Punches
6 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
4 Clean Pulls
4 Power Cleans


15 Min to Build to a Heavy Set of:
1 Clean Pull + 2 Power Cleans

Burn Strength

E2:00 X 6 Rounds:
10 Russian KBS
10 Jump Squats
:45 Plank Up-Downs


For Time Under a 20min CAP:
2500/2250m Row*

*Every 3:00, not including 0:00, perform one of the following:

A. 20 Rower Facing Burpees
B. 16 Burpee Lateral Step-Overs
C. 16 Burpees


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