Tuesday – 1/18


New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
To check out the menu and order use our special affiliate link – https://lddy.no/13cde

For January receive 40% off your first order. More details have been emailed to you!

The Port


Mini Band Shoulder Warm-Up

3 Rounds (Evolving):
10 – 8 – 6 Cal Bike
10 Step-Ups – Box Jumps
5e Plate Halos
:15 Active Bar or Ring False Grip Hang


Muscle-ups (Muscle Up Strength and Positional Work)

Option A
4 Sets:
10 Ring Rows (Foot-elevated if possible.)
:15 Ring Support Hold
:10 Bottom of Dip Hold
5 Strict Ring Dips

Option B
4 Sets:
10 Ring Rows
:40 Plank Hold
10 Push-Ups
20 Mountain Climbers


15 T2B
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
ME Bike in Time Remaining.

Rest 2:00 X 5 Rounds.
Scale reps as needed to get at least :40-1:00 on the bike each round. Consistency is the goal today. Score is your LOWEST calorie round.

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