Tuesday – 2/22


Register for The Port Open! If you want to know why you should sign up – ask a coach!

New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
40% off your FIRST order – use code THEPORT40. To check out the menu and order use our special affiliate link – https://lddy.no/13cde

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


4 DB Hang Muscle Snatch L

50ft Waiter’s Carry L

4 DB Hang Muscle Snatch R

50ft Waiters Carry R

Movement Prep w/ BB or PVC:

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Dip and Hold – Hips Straight Down

5 Dip and Drive – Hips and Knees Extend

5 Push Press

5 Push Jerk

10 Step-Ups or Box Jumps


Push Jerk (5 X 5)


Burn Strength

A.: DB push press (5 X 8)

B: Metcon (No Measure)

2-3 Sets:

10 Banded Pass Throughs

10 Banded Pull-Aparts

10 Banded Face Pulls

10 Banded Tricep Push-Downs


Metcon (Time)

10 Rounds For Time:

6 Hang Cleans (125/85)(95/65)*

6 Box Jumps


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Double Under Practice!

Spend 5-6 Minutes Post-Workout working on your skills or choose an option below. UB sets to move on to the next number.

Level 1: 5-10-15-10-5 UB Double Unders

Level 2: 10-25-50-25-10 UB Double Unders

Level 3: 3 Sets of 60 UB


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