Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
20 Single Unders- Double Unders
8 Russian KBS
8e KB SA Strict Press
10 Close-stance Air Squats
+ 2 Rounds:
8 Ring Rows
:20 Ring Support Hold
3 Ring Dip Negatives
Muscle-ups (10 Minutes to Work on Ring Muscle Up Progrsessions)
Burn Strength
Metcon (Weight)
3 Rounds:
12t alt. DB Bent Over Rows
10 Deficit DB Push-Ups
1:00 Elevated Plank
Rest 1:00 Between.
Metcon (Time)
EMOM X 30:
Min 1: 4-6 Ring Muscle-Ups*
Min 2: 60 Double Unders
Min 3: 20 Russian KBS
Min 4: 12t alt. Pistol Squats
Min 5: :50 SA KB Front Rack Hold; switch hands at :25 second mark
*Sub 6 shoot-throughs with push-up and dip, 6 modified ring muscle-ups, or 6 hard pull + 6 hard push. No Bar MU today!
Burn WOD
Burn: Metcon (Time)
EMOM X 30:
Min 1: 10/8 Cal Ski
Min 2: 10 Box Dips w/ slow eccentric.
Min 3: 20 Russian KBS
Min 4: 16t Jumping Lunges
Min 5: :50 SA KB Front Rack Hold; switch
hands at :25 second mark