Wednesday- 11/24

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2-3:00 Foam Roll


3 Rounds:

:30 Work / :10 Rest


Bar Hang – Scap Pull-Ups

Plate G2OH

Push-Up to Pike


Seated Wall Slides and Shoulder Rotations,

Banded Hollow Pull-Downs


A1: Strict Pull-Up (4 X 5-7 Strict Pull-Ups)

*Add weight if possible.

A2: Ring Dips (4 X 5-7 Strict Dips)


– RX Ring Dips

– Box, DB or GHD Handle Dips

– Ring Push-Ups

Burn Strength

A1: Foot-Assissted Pull-ups (4 X 10-12)

Begin by kneeling on the ground with arms reaching straight up to the barbell that resting on the rack. From here, pull your chin straight up over the bar using your feet as much or as little as you need.

A2: Bench Dips (4 X 12-15)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 20:

Min 1+2: Max Cal Row

Min 3+4: Max AMRAP

5 C2B

10 Slam Balls

15 Sit-Ups

Min 5: Rest

Score is Total Row Cals + Reps in AMRAP across all 20 Minutes.

Start where you left off, each time you get to the AMRAP.
Alternative AMRAP:

5 Banded or Jumping C2B

10t Jumping Lunges

15 Sit-Ups


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