WOD – Friday 12/23

“Remember, consistent action produces consistent results”

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds
10 box jumps, step down
10 push-ups

PVC mobility
CFP snatch warm-up
Emphasis on snatch balance and OH positon

10 min EMOM
2 squat snatches around 70%
*not TnG
The squat snatch is the most difficult of the barbell movements. Many of us will be unable to complete this EMOM as prescribed, so take the time to scale it to the most challenging alternative. A power snatch to OHS will work for some. Simply taking the OHS out of the movement and focusing on just the power snatch will work for others.

“Ranger Things”
10 min AMRAP
400m row
5 box jumps (30/24”)
30 DU’s
5 box jumps
20 front squats (135/95#)(115#)
5 box jumps
*must step down off the box, no rebounding
Front squats will be heavy, especially after the row and box jumps. I would love it if everyone found a height that they were comfortable jumping up to. Even jumping up to a 45# plate is very beneficial. EVERYONE is stepping down, even Ben Goss and Erin Russo.

Cool Down
Lax ball on the shoulders
Banded shoulder mobility
Achilles stretch

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