WOD – Monday 2/22

I am so proud to announce the arrival of Zander Bryant Haydock who was born Friday morning. He decided he couldn’t wait any longer and joined his beautiful family a little bit early. A huge congratulations to Jeff and Gina, he is so handsome.

500m row, then 2 rounds
10 SA thrusters w/KB – left then right
10 bootstrap stretches w/twists
10 tin soldiers
10 KBS
10 spidermen

Squat mobility – spidermen, pigeon
Press prep – lax ball and banded shoulder mobility

Back Squat – 5×5; looking to hit heavier then last time
Shoulder Press – find a 3RM + 2×3@90%

Interval Work
500m rows w/2:00 rest between

Accessory work
Ring work;
3×10-15 ring rows
3×5-10 ring dips

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