WOD – Monday 3/13

3 things/announcements.

1. March madness is here and once again Tom Mita has done the duties of setting up the CrossFit Portsmouth bracket challenge. If you’d like to take part, simply follow the link provided and join before the tournament starts

$5 buy in. Winner take all. There’s an envelope on Sophie’s desk for the buy in $. Please write your name on the envelope so we know that you’ve paid.
Password: spartan.


2. PortFit’s next session of specialty courses starts this week with my version of circuit training. PortX still has a few am spots available if you’re interested. We are going to have a blast and hopefully learn a little about pacing while we build our aerobic engines. Hope to see you there.

3. I am going to post very specific, detailed accessory work on Mondays/Wednesdays and Fridays or Saturdays for those of you who want a little more post class. We will be freeing up a little time in class to allow for everything to get it’s deserved time. Which means much less A1/A2 strengths, with more fun stuff to partake in after everything is said and done.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
10 squats
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows

CFP squat mobility session

Back squat – 6×3 between 70 and 75%
Rest 2:00 between sets.
Really heavy and taxing, so plenty of warm-up and plenty of rest between.

“A change in tactics”
7 rounds
9 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
15 wall balls
21 sit-ups
20:00 cap
*look to 12/19
We did this one as a time-oriented workout in December. It was a 15 min AMRAP. However, this time we will do a specific number of rounds instead. Might change the way you attack it. Make sure you are scaling appropriately so you get it done under the time cap, but also no faster than 15:00.

Accessory Work
Bulgarian split squats – 4x8e (AHAP)
Banded good mornings – 3×20
Post class, doesn’t make it any less important.

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