WOD – Saturday 12/10

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you might look back and realize they were the big things.”
– Robert Brault

Dynamic warm-up with active joint mobility

Set up a bar and perfrom
Sink stretch – forward and reverse
Bully stretch

A1. Thruster – find a 3RM off the rack
A2. Bent over row – 5×5; w/a BB, AHAP

“One last dance”
Teams of 3, 30 min to accumulate as many cals on rower as possible.
E6:00 all 3 athletes must complete…
9 pull-ups or 3 muscle ups
12 wall balls
18 sit-ups
*done as a relay
P1 needs to go all the way through before P2 started their pull-ups. P3 must finish their sit-ups before P1 starts rowing again.

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