Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds with decreasing reps and increasing weight
Hang cleans
S2OH (press, push press, push jerks)
Full group mobility
Weightlifting complex – 3 deadlifts + 2 hang power cleans + 1 S2OH
Build to a challenging weight
Today will be an open lifting session. Meaning thee won’t be any structure towards your volume. That means you need to be smart considering the barbell plays a major role in today’s WOD. Looking at the complex one lift will start to become the limiting factor based on your strengths and weaknesses. So be smart and building intelligently. Do not try any more than 6 to 8 lifts with a moderate weight on the bar.
*look to 5/31
“Marching Band”
20 min EMOM
1. 10 deadlifts (245/165#)(205/145#)
2. 25 air squats
3. KB front rack hold (:40@AHAP)
4. 100m shuttle run
Great EMOM for your metcon. Make sure you are giving yourself :20 off between each minute, otherwise maintaining a pace will prove to be very difficult. Otherwise, work hard for the :40 required at each station and make sure your transitions are quick so you can use every bit of rest as a time to recover.
No score today.