WOD – Sunday 12/29

5 min AMRAP
10 push press
10/8 cals AB
10 sit-ups

Shoulder mobility

Push press –
Building in each set, making them AHAP
The push press is won or lost in the dip and the drive. When we dip, the torso should remain vertical and the bar should remain in the rack position until the hips and legs have reached full extension. The downward portion of the dip should be no more than 2 or 3 inches and should always be the same even as the bar gets heavier. When we lose confidence in our ability to go overhead, we increase the depth of our dip which usually does a couple of things. It loses that really valuable stretch reflect which we depend on for true explosiveness and the torso often comes forward which either pushes the bar out in front of forces the bar off the rack and therefore we lose the energy from the legs. Today we are going to focus on both of those things; a vertical torso throughout the entire dip and drive and controlling the depth of the dip throughout the entire lifting session.

10 min AMRAP
3 push press (95/65#)(75/55#)
100m shuttle run
*add 3 reps to the push press every round. Score is last full round of push presses plus extra push presses you got in the next round. Runs do not count to your total.
Intended stimulus – when the workout time is this short, we want to minimize the amount of time resting. That being said, we really want to stay unbroken for as long as possible on the push press. That means we should keep the weight lighter and take a few extra seconds of rest before picking the bar up.

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