WOD – Sunday 8/3

2 rounds for quality, not speed
400m run or 500m row
10 ring rows
20t lunges

Quick group mobility session – focus on ankles and knees

A1. Weighted step-ups – 4x16t; AHAP
A2. Bent over rows – 4x8e; AHAP
Weighted step ups are done with 2 KB’s in the suitcase hold position. Boxes do not need to be high for this movement to be effective (20”/16”) should be perfect.

“Round Robin”
4 rounds; alternating A and B
A. 400m run + 15 OHS (95/65#)(75/55#)
B. 500m row + 20 hang power cleans
So round one is A, then round 2 is B, round 3 is A and then round 4 is B. If they cannot OHS, front squats or goblet squats can be subbed in.

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