WOD – Tuesday 12/19

“Those that fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Yesterday I wrote a little bit about how important it is to reflect on certain events. Looking back afterward really helps you learn about how things went, how you could have done things a bit differently and how you could have changed the outcome for the better. Even if it is just a little bit.

HOWEVER, refection in the gym isn’t possible unless you know all of the factors. Reps, weights, pace, how you felt that day, and even how you might have slept the night before. Giving yourself as much information as possible allows you to make much more educated choices the next time. This is how we learn and grow as athletes. How many of you have gone to look back at a workout that we are repeating to find no information on how it went the first time? Wodify is an incredible tool that 10% of us are using. I challenge you to make it more of a priority in 2018.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 min in Z1
Then, 2 to 3 rounds for quality
10 Russin KBS
10 goblet squats

Quads, ankles and hips. Coaches choice.

Front squat – 6×3@75 to 80%
Should be done between those two percentages, so you could add a little weight as you complete the sets. However, the best case scenario would be to warm up to 80% and stay across for all 6 sets.

“Original Sin”
16 min AMRAP
10 pull-ups
30 DU’s
10 front squats (135/95#)(115/75#)
30 DU’s
10 S2OH
One barbell here. Find the limiting movement and make sure the weight falls into the light to medium weight range; 40 to 50%. Move through this one with purpose. You are going to need to find places to take quick breaks, but try not to make that mid set. Take quick breaks in transition. I like to make sure my barbell is far enough away from the rig so that my walk allows me some big breaths and time to recover. When I get to it, I am back to work.

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes in the same stretch sequence used pre-workout

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