WOD – Wednesday 12/4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 kip swings + 5 strict pull-ups or ring rows
10 hollow rocks
10 banded pull-aparts

Shoulder mobility for the strength

CF Skill/Strength
Weighted pull-ups – cluster format; 2.2, x5 (:10/2:00); building to a heavy weight
Cluster format in a gymnastics movement. Nothing better. The cluster was designed to give your muscles a short break between reps which allows you to add a bit more weight or stick with the slightly harder progression. And as I always try to tell you, the success of these gymnastic sessions really depends on what you put into them. So take the 10 minutes as seriously as you would a lifting session and get better at a hard movement.

“8 Arms”
25 min AMRAP
50/40 cals row
5 power cleans (185/125#)(165/115#)(135/95#)
40/32 cals AB
5 power cleans
30 pull-ups
5 power cleans
Intended stimulus – the working time should tell you exactly how you should move in this one. Ad yesterday should give you an indication of how you shouldn’t feel at any point during the 25min. Find a pace in your breathing on each machine and hold yourself accountable to strategic rests during the cleans and pull-ups. Go into each with a plan.
Singles on the cleans will prove efficient, especially if you are challenging yourself with weight on the bar today. These should be heavy enough to prevent you from going unbroken sets, otherwise, the heart rate would get to be much too high. The pull-ups should be done in 3 or 4 big sets so find an option that challenges you to push it, but also might force you to break them up more than once.

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