500m row in Z1
Then, 2 to 3 rounds
10 hanging knee tucks/T2B
10 ring rows
10 push-ups
Group mobility session
8 min EMOM
Evens – 3 to 5 strict pull-ups
Odds – 8 to 10 ring dips
Gymnastics strength day. To scale these, let’s do partners for the pull-ups and then a version of the dip that makes it hard to do 8 to 10. Box dips, bar dips on the GHD. Self-assisted ring dips. No bands.
“End of the Line”
:40 of work/:20 of transition time
Row for cals
Russian KBS
Complete 4 rounds total
Let’s be honest here, most of the rest will be chewed up in the transition from movement to movement. Meaning you probably won’t get a true break, so this weeks interval work is going to hurt. We are looking for reps per round and want to see a consistent number across all 4. Grip is going to be a major factor in fatigue. Look for time to relax your breathing and you grip while still being able to move forward.