WOD – Wednesday 10/9

2 rounds
1:00 on any machine
12 strict press/push press
10 bent over rows
8 deadlifts
6 strict pull-ups or ring rows
*ring rows include a pause at the top

A1. Push press – 5×3 between 75 and 85%
A2. Banded face pulls – 5×15
The major focus for today is going to be the push press. How to set-up, how to execute it correctly and covering any faults you might have. We understand you might think you know everything there is to know about the push press, but who is to say that a little refocused work might not help you clean up your technique.

5 rounds
5 power cleans (185/125#)(155/105#)
10 C2B
200m run
1:00 rest between rounds
Unlike your WOD on Monday, this one has a built-in rest regardless of how fast you go in each round. This provides you with a unique opportunity. Find a place to challenge yourself here. Are you going to go heavy on the cleans but try to stay on the bar and not go to singles? Are you going to go so heavy that you have to go to singles but force yourself to control your rest between reps? Are you going to work on your C2B? Try to do them unbroken? Or are you someone who will benefit from pushing the pace of the run. Each piece here can be a learning experience based on your strengths and weaknesses. So what’s your plan?

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