Burn – Friday 3/13

Friday the 13th ain’t got nothing on us.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port Snatch warm-up

Burn Strength
A1. Elevated SL glute bridge – 4×10
*support leg is on 2 45# plates and a DB is in your lap
A2. GHD back extensions – 4×15
A3. Copenhagen plank – :20 hold per side, x4
*side plank done with feet on 2 45# plates

Burn WOD
3 rounds
15 over the DB burpees
10t DB snatches
10t OH walking lunges (right)
10t DB snatches
10t OH walking lunges (left)
15 piked rows
Go lighter than normal with the DB today, this one will be a bit trickier than it looks on paper. You must alternate arms every rep for the DB snatches and legs in the lunges.

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