Monday – 11/30

The Port



Monster Band Activation Drills
3 Rounds
6 Up-Downs
10 Air Squats
10 Banded Lat Pull-Downs
*Add light DB’s to rounds 2 + 3


Back Squat (1×2 / 1×2 / 1×2)

1×2 @ 80%
1×2 @ 85-90%
1×2+ @ 95%
*As many reps as possible w/o failure…no more than 4-6.
*Percentages based on 2RM

Burn Strength

4 Rounds:
10e Single-Leg Hip Bridges with :02
pause at the top of each rep
10 Seated Banded Abductions
10 “Heavy” Banded Goblet Squats
Rest as needed between rounds, little rest between movements.


3 Rounds for Time:
25 DB Front Squats (50/35)|(35/20)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 DB Up-Down

Burn WOD

10min AMRAP:
10 DB Up-Downs
15 DB Front Squats
:30 Bar Hang
15 Banded Lat Pull-Downs

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